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Learn More About NECTFL

The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages serves educators in all languages (including classical, less commonly taught, and ENL), at all levels from kindergarten through university, in both public and private settings. 

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Join the Advisory Council

The NECTFL Advisory Council is a governing body of NECTFL, composed of individuals representing themselves OR representing schools, districts, universities, associations or companies who pay a membership fee to participate in NECTFL activities and business by providing advice, leadership and support to the Board of Directors.

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The NECTFL Review publishes articles of interest for instructors, researchers and administrators at all educational levels on theory, research, policy and classroom practice in the teaching and learning of language and culture.

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See what awards are available to language professionals and students.

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We are deeply saddened to announce the loss of John Carlino, executive director of NECTFL. This loss is profound and the NECTFL community grieves together. John’s leadership in and advocacy for language learning echo across the wide landscape of our profession. Always ready to volunteer for any effort that promoted language teaching, always professional in his demeanor, John shone a light that radiated through constituencies and inspired colleagues to always reach for a higher caliber of professionalism. His stewardship of the NECTFL mission and vision provided the strong foundation for the work of the board of directors. Everything John has done at NECTFL, he has done in service to educators and language learners. Connecting NECTFL to the work of each state in the region, especially his cherished NYSAFLT, and to ACTFL, as well as JNCL-NCLIS, has kept NECTFL at the forefront of innovations in language teaching and learning. His greatest passion at NECTFL was the annual conference and endeavoring to see it create meaningful experiences for each participant.