The deadline to submit proposals has passed (May 4). If you are an exhibitor submitting a vendor session, please visit our exhibitor information page.
Call for Workshop and Session Proposals
Northeast Conference 2019
Authentic Language, Authentic Learning
NY Hilton Midtown February 7–9, 2019
Rosanne Zeppieri, Chairperson
Deadline for submission: May 4, 2018
Thank you so much for considering submitting a proposal to present at the 2019 NECTFL Conference Authentic Language, Authentic Learning, to be held February 7–9, 2019 at the NY Hilton Midtown. We welcome all proposals, and especially those with a connection to our conference theme.
The 2019 Northeast Conference will be held at the New York Hilton Midtown, February 7–9. Our aim is to bring together all those involved in the teaching and promotion of world languages, including researchers and educators at every level of education, across the Northeast and beyond.
The 2019 conference theme is Authentic Language, Authentic Learning. Our program will include in-depth three and six-hour pre-conference workshops, featured presentations by distinguished speakers, a variety of sessions, along with our #techlab and Research Roundtable, and “Best of State” sessions.
We welcome all proposals – those with a connection to our theme as well as those that address topics of general interest in the field. The Program Committee will select ten session proposals for special designation as “Featured Presentations.” One “Featured Presentation” will be offered during each of the ten conference session timeslots. Please direct all questions to [email protected].
IF YOU ARE A VENDOR OR SERVICE PROVIDER: please submit your proposal via the same link below. For-profit individuals and entities must submit as an exhibitor/vendor and must be registered as an exhibitor for the conference or pay an exhibitor fee. Regular session and workshop presenters must be practitioners from the field and presentations must be noncommercial in nature. Â To view our complete policy on consideration of workshop and session proposals, please click here.
Conference Theme: Authentic Language, Authentic Learning
Sessions may address a wide range of topics related to language teaching and learning. Proposals should address methods and strategies that are used in K-16 settings. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following aspects of the theme Authentic Language, Authentic Learning:
- Integration of Culture, Content, and Language
Proposals may address the integration of culture, content, and language in traditional classroom settings, in content-based programs, in dual language programs and/or in immersion classrooms.
- Authentic Resources as Tools for Teaching and Learning
Proposals may address the nature of authentic resources, how to access these sources, the benefits, and/or the ways that they can be used in the three modes of communication at all levels of instruction.
- Authentic Classroom Discourse
Proposals may address strategies to promote effective classroom communication (teacher-student and/or student-student interactions) as a means to develop interpersonal communication skills.
- Performance-Based Assessment
Proposals may address the design, implementation, and evaluation of formative and/or summative performance-based assessments in the three modes of communication.
Please note: we do welcome all proposals – those with a connection to our theme as well as those that address topics of general interest in the field.
Time Slot Options:
Thursday: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Three- or six- hour workshops
Friday and Saturday:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â One-hour sessions
Pre-conference Workshops
Thursday will feature more in-depth three and six hour workshops. Proposals with direct connection to the theme will be given priority, but proposals on any relevant topic will be considered. These workshops can feature more opportunities for interaction and offer more in depth treatment of high-interest current issues in world language education. Up to two co-presenters may be listed for a pre-conference workshop.
Sessions are one hour in length and may or may not be specifically aligned to the conference theme. Up to five co-presenters may be listed, including the main presenter/contact.
Featured Sessions
Ten sessions will be designated as Featured Sessions and will be highlighted in the program. These are sessions which the Program Committee has selected for their strong connection to the theme.
If you have a technology-related idea that doesn’t necessarily fit the hour-long session model or would lend itself well to attendee hands-on learning opportunities, consider presenting in our #techlab, during which multiple presenters will set up in a tech ‘fair’. Attendees will have the option of staying at one table or walking around to visit as many as possible. A full description of your presentation will be included in the conference program.
Research Roundtable
If you have a research-related presentation that doesn’t necessarily fit the hour-long session model or would lend itself well to interactive discussion, consider presenting in our Research Roundtable, during which multiple presenters will set up in one room, two per table. The hour will be divided into two half-hour time slots. Each presenter will present once, and attendees will have the opportunity to switch tables at the half-hour mark. Interactive discussion will provide dialogic interaction between presenters and attendees.  A full description of your presentation will be included in the conference program.
Exhibitor Sessions
Vendors and service providers renting space in the exhibit hall may submit one session proposal per booth rented. Proposals received after the deadline are subject to availability. Pre-conference workshops are not open to vendors or service providers. (See detailed policy here.)
The deadline to submit proposals has passed (May 4). If you are an exhibitor submitting a vendor session, please visit our exhibitor information page.
You will be asked to provide an abstract and description of the proposed presentation (not exceeding 800 characters each). Proposals will be peer reviewed and you should receive feedback by mid- to late summer.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!