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2024: Our Butterfly Effect: Creating a Lasting Impression, James Wildman, Chairperson
2023: Reimagining the World Language Classroom: The Future Starts Today, Margarita Dempsey, Chairperson
2022: Classroom Roots, Global Reach, Christopher Gwin, Chairperson
2021: Finding Our Voice: World Languages for Social Justice, Michael Bogdan, Chairperson
2020: Languages for All: Envisioning Language Learning Opportunities for Every Learner, Nathan Lutz, Chairperson
2019: Authentic Language, Authentic Learning, Rosanne Zeppieri, Chairperson
2018: Unleashing the POWer of Proficiency, Bill Heller, Chairperson
2017: Strengthening World Language Education: Standards for Success, Carole Smart, Chairperson
2016: Developing Intercultural Competence through World Languages, Rebecca K. Fox, Ph.D., Chairperson
2014: Sustaining Communities with World Languages, Janel Lafond-Paquin, Chairperson
2013: Developing Leaders for Tomorrow’s Learners, Arlene F. White, Chairperson
2012: Global Identities, Jennifer L. Steeley, Chairperson
The Northeast Conference Board of Directors announces the search for two editors:
One (1): for the Editor of the NECTFL Review, the academic, peer-reviewed journal published by the Northeast Conference twice a year. Since 2000, the NECTFL Review has published articles of interest to instructors, researchers, and administrators at all educational levels on theory, research, and classroom practice in language teaching. We encourage both scholarly articles that present original research, as well as original articles, focused on classroom practices and experiences. All articles, including those commissioned by the editors or those solicited for special issues, undergo a blind review by outside reviewers/readers. The publication of the NECTFL Review is a collaborative effort involving the Editor, The Language Classroom Editor, Editorial Board, and the NECTFL Board of Directors. The Editor works directly with the editorial board and guides manuscript revisions and final publication.
One (1): for the Editor of “The Language Classroom” section of the NECTFL Review. This is a new section of the journal features shorter articles (8+ pages/1,500–2,500 words) focused on classroom practices and experiences. We invite submissions from language educators at all levels that address topics such as: classroom instruction, curriculum design, assessment & feedback, leadership and advocacy, planning and program design, technology integration, student experiences, or other similar topics.
The journal is open-access and available on the website of the Northeast Conference. The Board of Directors provides a stipend and publication material support to the journal editors.
The Northeast Conference Board of Directors would like to thank Robert (Bob) Terry for his two decade-long dedication to the journal. As Bob retires from this position, the Board recognizes his distinguished service; tireless effort and consistent professionalism in stewarding the journal forward into the digital age, as well as the move into the realm of Open Access. A tremendous hurrah! – to Bob from the entire Board. A special thanks, also to Catherine Ritz, who served as inaugural editor of “The Language Classroom” section as the journal transitioned from reviewing print materials to this new section focused on current issues and developments in classroom instruction. Catherine led her editorial team into this new phase of the journal’s development and the Board is extremely appreciative of this effort and wishes her the best in her future endeavors.
Interested applicants should email us at [email protected] for full details and application materials.