Seymour L. Flaxman

Modern Language Teaching in School and College.  Seymour L. Flaxman, Editor.  Working Committee I: The Preparation of Secondary School Teachers,Genevieve S. Blew, Chairman; Wesley Childers, Alice A. Arana, Philip E. Arsenault, Anna Balakian: Working Committee II: The Preparation of College and University Teachers, Jack M. Stein, Chairman; Helen M. Mustard, Patricia O’Connor, Francis Rogers, Wilmarth Starr:  Working Committee III: The Transition to the Classroom,Evangeline Galas, Chairman; Remunda Cadoux, Sister Margaret Pauline, Robert Serafino, Herbert Schueler: Working Committee IV: Coordination Between Classroom and Laboratory, Guillermo del Olmo, Chairman; Jeannette Atkins, Dora S. Bashour, Pierre Capretz, Clark A. Vaughan.  1961